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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Military Gear: Which Branch is Known for the Best?

Hey y'all, I have an odd question lol. I've always been into gear and tech, and I'm considering military after high school. Out of curiosity, which military branch is typically associated with the best gear?

3 months ago

The quality of gear in the military can be subjective as it largely depends on the specific role and mission of each branch. However, if you're keen on technology and cutting-edge gear, you might want to explore the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Space Force. The Air Force deals with advanced aircraft and associated tech. They are known for their cutting-edge, high tech aviation gear, as well as the cyber warfare and space operation systems they utilize.

The Space Force, the newest branch, operates highly sophisticated satellite and space-based technology. As space tech is rapidly evolving, gear and technology in this branch are likely to be at the forefront of innovation.

Also, the Navy's gear is noteworthy if you're interested in naval and sub-surface technology. Their technology ranges from advanced radar and sonar systems to state-of-art submarines and carriers.

Remember, the 'best' gear could simply be the gear that best suits your interests and career goals. Reach out to recruiters or service members from each branch to get a better understanding of the technologies they're currently using and see which aligns with your interests.

3 months ago

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