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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Questions about Lafayette, Pennsylvania

Hey all, I've been considering Lafayette College but I'm not very familiar with the area in Pennsylvania where it's located. What's the local vibe there like? Also any inside scoop about Lafayette College itself would be killer!

3 months ago

Lafayette College is located in Easton, Pennsylvania, a small city at the eastern edge of the state, near the New Jersey border. The college is deeply connected to the town, and students often volunteer at local organizations or work at local businesses.

The vibe in Easton is a blend of small-town charm with a touch of urban atmosphere. The city has a rich history dating back to the colonial era, and it's reflected in the architecture and historical landmarks. Nestled within the Lehigh Valley region, Easton is known for its outdoor activities, including hiking trails around the Delaware and Lehigh rivers. As for the food scene, it offers diverse options, from farm-to-table restaurants to food trucks.

Now, on to Lafayette College itself. With a focus on the liberal arts, Lafayette provides its students with a comprehensive education that promotes critical thinking and communication skills. Class sizes are typically small, and professors are known to be very approachable and dedicated to their students' success. Lafayette also places a strong emphasis on research and hands-on experiences, with many students participating in internships, study abroad programs, and undergraduate research opportunities.

In terms of campus life, Lafayette has a vibrant community with more than 200 student clubs and organizations including arts, sports, community service, and academic-based clubs. While Greek life is a large part of Lafayette's social scene, the college is also home to a wide variety of other social and housing options ensuring plenty of opportunities for students to find their niche.

Just remember, information can vary from person to person, and a personal visit to the campus, virtual or otherwise, can give you a more tailored understanding of what life at Lafayette and Easton can be like.

3 months ago

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