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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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About Lake Michigan University

Hey folks! I came across Lake Michigan University while doing some research. But I'm struggling to find good, consistent info. Can anyone here provide me with an overview? Like, the academic strengths, campus culture, or anything you found valuable during your time there?

3 months ago

Lake Michigan University, while not as widely-known as some universities, still has a lot to offer prospective students. Its academic programs are diverse and thorough, with some popular majors being Business, Nursing, and Education. The small class sizes allow for close interaction with professors, and provide an engaging learning environment.

The university is known for its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. You'll see this in campus initiatives like energy-efficient buildings, and programs focused on environmental studies. Lake Michigan University aims to not only educate students about sustainability but incorporate sustainable practices into daily campus life.

Regarding campus culture, it has often been described as friendly and community-focused. Small class sizes not only promote academic engagement but also foster a close-knit community among the students. The university offers numerous clubs and organizations, spanning from academic clubs to sports and recreation, allowing students to explore various interests and pursuits outside of their major.

As the name suggests, the university is located near Lake Michigan providing students with gorgeous views and the opportunity for outdoor activities like hiking and watersports. The proximity to the lake also contributes to a somewhat relaxed and laid-back atmosphere on campus. The town surrounding the college offers a variety of restaurants and shops for students to explore, and the larger nearby city is known for its arts scene and cultural events.

One final thing to note is that the university has a strong emphasis on service and community engagement. Students are encouraged to take part in volunteer opportunities and make a positive impact on their local community. Whether it's local community service or an international service trip over spring break, there are plenty of opportunities for students to give back.

While every student's experience will be unique, these seem to be some consistent themes among those who've attended Lake Michigan University.

3 months ago

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