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Looking for Culinary Schools in California

So, I've been thinking: maybe college isn't my thing and I should follow my passion for cooking instead. Anyone know of any awesome culinary schools in CA? What kind of courses do they offer and how competitive is it to get accepted?

3 months ago

Absolutely, following your culinary passion could lead to a rewarding career. California is famous for its culinary scene and thus has several excellent culinary schools.

1. The Culinary Institute of America Greystone (CIA): Located in Napa Valley, it's one of the most reputable culinary schools in the world. Courses range from baking and pastry arts to wine studies. Acceptance could be competitive given its acclaimed reputation.

2. California Culinary Academy - Le Cordon Bleu: Based in San Francisco, it offers classic French culinary techniques with modern American technology. Their programs in baking and pastry arts are particularly notable.

3. Los Angeles Trade Technical College (LATTC): They offer an affordable culinary arts program that covers a wide range of skills, including baking, food service management and culinary arts.

Regarding acceptance rates, some of these schools like ICC and CIA could be competitive given their reputation and comprehensive curriculum. However, schools like LATTC and Institute of Technology might be more accessible. You'd be best served by reaching out to the individual schools for specific admission rates and requirements.

Focus on showcasing your passion for cooking in your application. You may not need traditional academic achievements, but showing off your culinary skills and experiences will likely help.

Remember that financial aid and grants might be available, so consider these factors when choosing a culinary school. If you really want to pursue this route, do your research on the market for culinary jobs to see what skills are in demand. Best of luck!

3 months ago

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