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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is Depauw University in Greencastle Right for Me?

I've been doing a lot of research lately and Depauw University in Greencastle, Indiana seems appealing. I just wanted to get more personal anecdotes. Can anyone share their experience or insights about the college, particularly the quality of its majors, professors, internships and job opportunities post-grad?

3 months ago

Depauw University is a small liberal arts college with a strong commitment to undergraduate education. This means class sizes are generally quite manageable, and professors are able to personally interact with students, often even knowing them by name. The university emphasizes hands-on learning, which involves not just theoretical concepts taught in the classroom but also real-world applications.

Depauw has a strong reputation in communication studies and social sciences. Majors from these departments have been reported to have remarkable internship opportunities, particularly around the Indiana area. If you wish to major in either of these areas, you'll likely find a demanding but rewarding curriculum that's developed to help students succeed in the professional world.

The institution's Career Center continuously offers resources and workshops related to job hunting, interviewing skills, and resume building. This is an excellent resource for students as they prepare to graduate and look for jobs or consider graduate schools.

Another noteworthy aspect about Depauw University is its Winter Term in Service programs. These provide students with an opportunity to travel internationally or domestically and participate in service projects, enriching their college experiences while also broadening perspectives.

However, life at a small college in a town setting is not for everyone. Living in Greencastle might feel quiet, particularly if you are from a larger city or if you want a more vibrant college town experience. This peacefulness, though, is a draw for many students who prefer a more focused academic environment.

In conclusion, Depauw offers a solid liberal arts education with a focus on real-world applications and job readiness. It can be a wonderful choice if you're seeking a small-school setting where professors are committed to student success, both in and out of class.

Remember, though, it's always best to visit the school, if you have the opportunity, to see if you feel at home on the campus and in Greencastle. That's the best way to know if any university is right for you.

3 months ago

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