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Best Military Branch for JAGs?

Hi there, I'm a high school junior who's been thinking about going pre-law in college and then possibly joining the JAG Corps. Does anyone know which military branch is considered the best for JAGs? Appreciate any advice you can give!

3 months ago

Deciding the "best" military branch for the JAG Corps can be highly subjective, as it may depend on your individual interests, career goals, and personal values. The Judge Advocate General's (JAG) Corps is the legal arm of the military and exists in all branches, including Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard. Each of these provides similar opportunities, but there are also some unique aspects to consider.

For instance, the Army JAG Corps is the oldest and largest, offering a wide variety of legal missions. If you're interested in international law or humanitarian assistance, this could be a fit for you due to the Army's often first-on-the-ground status in international conflicts or disasters.

The Navy JAG Corps could be attractive if international maritime law or issues related to the sea are appealing to you. It's also worth noting that the Navy generally deploys on ships, and many JAG officers find sea duty to be one of their most rewarding tours.

The Air Force JAG Corps could be a fit if you're interested in issues related to aviation, space, or cyberspace. Furthermore, Air Force bases are often considered to have better facilities and are located in more desirable locations.

The Marine Corps JAG program tends to be smaller than the others, offering a tight-knit community and more hands-on experience early on. However, the Marines are known for rigorous physical standards and a demanding lifestyle.

The Coast Guard JAG program is the smallest and focuses primarily on maritime law and environmental issues.

Consider reaching out to JAG recruiting offices in these various branches to get more information tailored to your specific aspirations. Go in with a clear list of questions about the areas of law you are interested in, lifestyle and deployment considerations, and officer development and career progression. It's also worth asking about their funded legal education programs, as these can be a great way to get your legal education paid for by the military. Ultimately, the best branch for JAGs will depend on your personal goals and preferences.

3 months ago

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