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Need Info on Fairmount State University

This is a bit embarrassing. I keep hearing about 'Fairmount State University' but when I look it up, only 'Fairmont State University' comes up. Can anybody clarify if this is a typo or if such a university actually exists?

3 months ago

It sounds like you're referring to Fairmont State University, which is located in Fairmont, West Virginia. Sometimes, names can be accidentally misspelled or mispronounced, which can lead to confusion.

Fairmont State University, also known as FSU, is a public institution that has a number of undergraduate and graduate programs, including business, health, and engineering, as well as liberal arts. It's known for small class sizes and personal attention from faculty due to its low student-to-teacher ratio.

As far as I know, there's no university by the name of "Fairmount State University". So, it's likely that you might be facing a typo or a misunderstanding. Nevertheless, it's always wise to conduct a thorough search yourself to confirm.

3 months ago

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