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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Inquiry about Michigan Colleges

If I aim to pursue engineering, which among the various colleges in Michigan would be good places to apply? Are there any hidden gems I should know about?

3 months ago

Michigan houses numerous schools with reputable engineering programs. The most known is the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Their College of Engineering is acclaimed for its research output and comprehensive undergraduate programs. This public university's programs consistently rank among the national top tiers.

Michigan State University also has an exceptional engineering program. They offer a diversity of engineering disciplines, from biosystems to computer science. The strong co-op program provides students with hands-on experience outside of the traditional classroom setting.

Michigan Technological University is another solid choice. With a focus on STEM programs, it offers engineering majors ranging from Chemical to Environmental Engineering. Nestled in Houghton, the setting is smaller compared to more urban campuses, but the quality of education is high.

Lawrence Technological University may not be as widely recognized, but it is certainly a hidden gem. The school places substantial emphasis on its STEM programs and maintains a low student-to-professor ratio, ensuring significant individual attention.

Each university provides different opportunities and atmospheres, so it's essential to research each and consider which aligns best with your goals and preferences. Also, remember to consider factors such as extracurriculars, financial aid, and potential internships or work opportunities nearby.

3 months ago

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