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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Is it a must to have 4 years of history for most college applications?

I'm mapping out my high school courses and kinda stressed about fitting everything in. Do many colleges actually require a full 4 years of history on our transcripts?

11 months ago

It's understandable to feel a bit overwhelmed while planning out your high school course load. The answer to your question is that most colleges typically expect to see at least three years of history or social studies courses on your transcript. However, most highly selective schools do require or at least strongly recommend four years, as it demonstrates sustained intellectual curiosity and a commitment to understanding societal contexts.

That said, schools understand that fitting in all your academic pursuits can be a balancing act. If you're aiming for a rigorous curriculum, consider prioritizing the courses that align best with your interests and strengths, and perhaps how they may fit with potential college majors or career interests.

Colleges also value depth in particular subject areas, so if history isn't your primary interest, you can still be a strong applicant if you've thrived while taking a rigorous, heavy course load in a subject you are more passionate about.

Remember that you can always discuss your plans with your high school counselor, who can provide specific guidance based on your academic goals and the requirements of the colleges you’re considering. Good luck finalizing your schedule!

11 months ago

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