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Getting to Know Colleges of Hawaii

Aloha! I'm seriously contemplating attending one of the colleges in Hawaii. Can anyone shed some light on what studying in Hawaii is like? What kind of academic programs do they offer, especially in social sciences?

3 months ago

Aloha indeed!

Hawaii offers several options when it comes to colleges and universities, each with their unique strengths and opportunities. The primary institutions in the state are the University of Hawaii (UH) system, which is public, and the private Hawaii Pacific University (HPU).

The University of Hawaii system is comprised of three universities spread across ten campuses throughout the islands. The UH system offers a broad spectrum of programs, from liberal arts to technological and professional studies. For instance, UH Manoa, as the flagship campus, has robust programs in social sciences, including anthropology, economics, ethnic studies, geography and environment, political science, psychology, and sociology. Many of these programs offer opportunities to study the unique cultural and environmental landscape of the state, which can provide an exciting context for your studies.

Hawaii Pacific University, on the other hand, is a private institution located in Honolulu. It offers over 50 undergraduate programs and is known for its intimate class settings with a student-faculty ratio of 12 to 1. HPU too offers a wide array of social sciences programs, including sociology, psychology, political science, and international studies.

Living and studying in Hawaii offers a unique experience unmatched by any other state. It's a diverse cultural melting pot influenced by Hawaiian, Asian, and American cultures. Plus, Hawaii's environment plays a big role in campus life, with opportunities for outdoor activities like surfing, hiking, and exploring the natural beauty of the islands.

Bear in mind, though, the cost of living is among the highest in the nation, so you should factor this into your decision. Furthermore, being on an island can feel isolating to some, and traveling home, particularly for those from the mainland, can be expensive.

Overall, Hawaii colleges offer strong social sciences programs set in a unique cultural and geographic location, which might be a great fit for you depending on your academic and personal preferences.

3 months ago

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