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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Hardest to Enter University in Ohio

I'm staying in Ohio for college and have started pondering over which universities I should apply to. To gauge my chances, I'm wondering which university in my state is the hardest to get into? Insights with regards to their acceptance rates, average GPA or test scores would be really helpful!

3 months ago

The most selective college in Ohio is typically considered to be Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. The university is known for its strong programs in engineering, biomedical sciences, and business, among others.

As of the most recent data, Case Western has an acceptance rate of around 27%, which means it accepts just over one in four students who apply. This is indeed quite competitive when compared with other Ohio universities.

Concerning academic stats, the middle 50% range for ACT scores usually fall between 30 and 34, and for the SAT, it's around 1360 to 1480. As for the average GPA, many of the admitted students tend to have high school GPAs of 3.8 or above, often with rigorous course schedules that include honors, AP, or IB classes.

Keep in mind that while these numeric indicators are important, a competitive application to Case Western Reserve University should also demonstrate solid extracurricular involvement, compelling essays, and positive teacher recommendations.

Lastly, remember that admission to any university isn't just about statistics. It's also about finding the right fit for your interests, career goals, and personal growth!

3 months ago

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