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Stressful College Course Loads

Hey everyone, I've been hearing about some brutal course loads in college. What's the heaviest course load you or someone you knew struggled with? What made it so challenging? Was it worth it? Appreciate any responses, trying to figure out how much I can handle next year.

3 months ago

As someone who has interacted with many students over time, I have heard various narratives regarding course loads. One anecdote that stands out involved a pre-med student who decided to take 20 credits, including Orgo Chem, Physics, Calculus, and Cell Biology, plus a lab all in one semester. The workload was massive, to say the least.

Beyond the sheer volume of studying required for these subjects, the complexity of course content in advanced classes posed another layer of challenge. Assignments and exam preparations were time-consuming and required in-depth understanding - there were no shortcuts.

Moreover, juggling lab hours alongside usual class schedules wasn't easy. Lab assignments often required after-hours work to compile data and write reports. The student was barely sleeping or engaging in any fun activities - that semester turned into constant studying and stress.

In the end, though they passed all their subjects, the student regretted taking on such a dense course load. Their GPA took a hit because they didn't have the bandwidth to excel in all classes simultaneously. The mental stress and discarded hobbies weren't worth it. They felt they would have learned more if they paced the courses out over two semesters instead.

Hence, when deciding your course load, consider not just your academic strength but your overall lifestyle, including sleep, leisure time, and extracurricular activities. It's best to strike a balance where you can challenge yourself without going overboard and potentially burning out. This varies by individual, but a manageable load for first-year students is often around 15 credits, depending on the complexity of the courses. You can then adjust from there, based on your experiences.

3 months ago

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