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Rank of Major - Which military branch?

Okay, so I'm a little lost. Planning on a military career post-high school and was wondering, which military branch is the rank 'Major' associated with? Does it appear in all branches? Any insights would be much appreciated!

3 months ago

The rank of 'Major' is used in several branches of the U.S. military. In the United States Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps, the rank of Major is an officer rank which sits below Lieutenant Colonel and above Captain. The role often entails serving as the main staff officer of a brigade or task force in the areas of operations and logistics.

In contrast, the Navy, Coast Guard, and Space Force use a different ranking system. Instead of 'Major', similar-level officers are referred to as 'Lieutenant Commander'.

Making the right decision about which branch to join depends on much more than just rank names. Each branch of the military has its own mission, training protocols, culture, and opportunities for specialization. You'll want to consider what type of military career you're interested in, what skills you want to acquire, and where you see yourself in the future.

It could be helpful to reach out to recruiters from the different branches or talk to individuals who currently serve or have served to get a first-hand account of the experiences, challenges, and rewards associated with each. Your decision should be informed by your personal goals, interests, and long-term career plans.

3 months ago

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