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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where to Find Full List of New Hampshire Colleges?

Hi there! Starting my college search and interested in staying near my home state of New Hampshire. I'm wondering if anyone could direct me to a list of all the colleges here -- big, small, public, private, anything really.

3 months ago

Certainly! There are a number of universities and colleges, big and small, public and private, in New Hampshire. Just remember, while it's great to have a full list, your focus should be on finding schools that fit well with your academic interests, career goals, and personal preferences. Here's a list of some universities and colleges you might want to explore in New Hampshire:

1. Dartmouth College (a private, Ivy League institution)

2. The University of New Hampshire (a public research university in Durham)

3. Plymouth State University (a public university)

4. Keene State College (a public liberal arts college)

5. Southern New Hampshire University (a private, non-profit university)

6. Saint Anselm College (a private, liberal arts college)

7. Rivier University (a private Catholic liberal arts university)

8. New England College (a private liberal arts college)

9. Franklin Pierce University (a private university)

10. New Hampshire Institute of Art (private)

11. Colby-Sawyer College (a private liberal arts college)

These are just a few to start with. Each college has unique programs, so do take your time to research and learn about what each one provides in terms of academics, student life, and financial aid among other things. Best of luck with your search!

3 months ago

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