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SAT: 720 math
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What's the deal with University of Maryland Eastern Shore?

Hello everyone, I've been looking at a lot of colleges recently and the University of Maryland Eastern Shore caught my eye. Can anyone tell me about their programs? Do they have any standout departments or majors? How's the local area for students, too?

3 months ago

The University of Maryland Eastern Shore, often abbreviated as UMES, is a public historically black university located in Princess Anne, Maryland. It is one of the 13 institutions in the University System of Maryland.

UMES has a diverse range of programs, over 80 in total, spanning from the bachelor's level through to doctoral. Their most well-known program is probably their PGA-accredited Golf Management program. It's one of only 20 colleges in the nation that offer this type of specialized program, preparing students for careers in the golf industry.

Additionally, they are also recognized for their Department of Agriculture, which includes courses in general agriculture, agribusiness, and environmental sciences. Also, their Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management is a part of The American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI), one of the finest hospitality programs in the region.

In terms of location, UMES is situated in a small town environment, which can be enticing for students looking for a smaller, more intimate college experience. The local area provides several recreational and cultural opportunities like boating and beaches due to its proximity to Chesapeake Bay.

Though keep in mind, Princess Anne isn't a bustling city, so if you're seeking a high-energy urban atmosphere, you might not find that here. Student life on campus is quite active though, with several clubs, sports teams, and organizations to join, which can certainly make up for the quieter town environment.

I hope this gives you a helpful snapshot of UMES. As always, I encourage you to visit the campus or connect with their admissions office to get more detailed and personalized information about their programs and community.

3 months ago

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