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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Best strategies for breaking down the 'top colleges' list?

I've been scrolling through 'top colleges' lists a lot lately and honestly, it's a tad overwhelming. How do you guys suggest tackling these lists and evaluating these colleges?

3 months ago

Indeed, wading through the sea of top colleges can seem daunting. I would suggest a considered, methodical approach to narrow down the list. Here are some strategies you could consider.

1. Identify Your Interests and Goals: Your college choice should match your interests and aspirations. Are you more inclined towards the humanities or STEM? Interested in research or more hands-on, practical education? Also, consider your career goals. Do you aspire to go to graduate school or are you hoping for an immediate job after undergraduate studies? These factors would significantly influence your choice.

2. Location Considerations: Think about your preferred location. Do you want a college in a vibrant city or a serene campus? Coast or inland? International or within your country? The cultural and social environment greatly influences the overall college experience.

3. Size of Institution and Class Sizes: Colleges range in size from a few hundred students to over 30,000. Larger universities might offer more course options and vibrant student life, but they can also feel impersonal and competitive. Smaller colleges often offer more individual attention and community feel.

4. Core Curriculum vs Open Curriculum: Some universities have a set of required courses (core curriculum) while others allow you to freely choose your courses (open curriculum). Decide which system you prefer.

5. Type and Range of Extra-Curricular Opportunities: Look at the clubs, organizations, sports, and other opportunities the college offers. Are there activities you're currently involved in and would like to continue? Or, are there new things you want to try?

6. Financials: The cost is a major consideration for pretty much everyone. Be sure to look not just at the "sticker price" of the college, but the average financial aid package, as well as average student debt upon graduation.

7. Admissions Data: Use data, like acceptance rates and average SAT/ACT scores of admitted students, as a toolkit to assess your chances. But please use these as useful pointers, not the definitive deciding factor.

Start with a broad list and gradually narrow it down using these factors, until you have a manageable list of colleges that fit your preferences. Ultimately, it's not about finding the best college in the world—it's about finding the best one for you.

3 months ago

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