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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Marine Biologist Colleges Near Me?

Hey all, I'm highly interested in Marine Biology and want to pursue it in college. Does anyone have any suggestions for colleges that offer strong Marine Biology programs close to Illinois?

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to suggest a few colleges near Illinois with impressive marine biology programs!

1. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee is recognized for its School of Freshwater Sciences, which includes Aquatic Biology and Marine Science. While Wisconsin is not coastal, this program concentrates heavily on understanding marine systems.

2. Bowling Green State University in Ohio offers a Marine and Aquatic Biology specialization providing experimental fieldwork opportunities, including a marine biology field trip.

3. Southern Illinois University (SIU) doesn't have an exact Marine Biology program, but they do have a Zoology Specialization in Fisheries and Aquatic Biology. They maintain a Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center and offer opportunities for field experience.

However, keep in mind that some of the best marine biology programs are often found in coastal cities. If you're open to expanding your search a bit further, there are numerous programs on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts (e.g., University of Miami, University of California-Santa Cruz). It might be worth considering these as these coastal colleges offer direct access to marine environments for practical experiences.

3 months ago

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