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Marine Biology Programs in Georgia - Where to go?

I'm from Georgia and I'm looking to stay in-state for college. Marine Biology is what I'm passionate about. Any suggestions on the good in-state programs I should consider?

3 months ago

Absolutely, staying in-state for college can have great benefits, from familiar surroundings to possible tuition savings. In Georgia, there are several schools that have solid programs in Marine Biology.

First off, check out the University of Georgia (UGA). UGA has a well-regarded Marine Science program where you can focus on biological, chemical, or physical marine sciences. Part of the strength of the program comes from the fact that UGA has a small campus on Skidaway Island, near Savannah, where much of the marine science programming takes place. This includes field work, research opportunities, and upper-level coursework. Another bonus is that UGA also engages in considerable research in this field, giving ample opportunity for hands-on learning experiences.

Similarly, Savannah State University also offers a Marine Sciences program, with Bachelor's and Master's degree options in Marine Science. They have a particular focus on urban coastal sustainability and resilience, given their location near Georgia's coast. Their program intends to prepare students for careers in this field or for further academic study.

In case if you are interested in a more tech-based approach, Georgia Tech has a program in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences. While it's not specifically Marine Biology, the major does offer concentrations in areas like Oceanography, which might be of interest.

Remember to research into these programs more and look at the specific courses you would be taking, the faculty in the department, and what research opportunities might be available. Good luck!

3 months ago

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