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In Search of Marine Biology Programs in Hawaii

Aloha! I'm planning to apply to colleges in Hawaii because of my serious love for the ocean. I hope to study Marine biology specifically. Can anyone suggest the universities there with reputable Marine Biology programs?

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with that. Hawaii is a fantastic place to study marine biology due to its rich biodiversity and access to unique marine habitats. There are three universities in Hawaii that come to mind:

1. University of Hawaii at Manoa: UH Manoa has a very well-regarded Department of Oceanography within its School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology. They offer a Bachelor's degree in Marine Biology. Courses cover topics such as marine botany, marine zoology, and coral reef ecosystems, among others.

2. University of Hawaii at Hilo: UH Hilo offers both a Bachelor of Science and a minor in Marine Science. The program focuses on teaching students about the Pacific Ocean's marine ecosystems, making use of Hilo's close proximity to marine environments for field studies. They also offer a hands-on, field-oriented semester-long program called the Marine Options Program.

3. Hawaii Pacific University: This is a private university located in Honolulu. Their Bachelor's program in Marine Biology provides students with the opportunity to conduct research in tropical marine biology and gain hands-on experience through the usage of scientific diving methods, laboratory and field studies, and travel courses.

These programs should equip you with a solid foundation in marine biology and provide you with many opportunities for practical experience. Remember, when considering a program, look beyond just the curriculum. Consider the faculty's expertise, research opportunities, and facilities available to students. Choose the program that aligns most with your career goals and interests. Good luck with your applications!

3 months ago

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