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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Degrees at Marquette University?

Hey folks, I've been considering Marquette University for while. Has anyone got a list of the major degree programs they provide? I'm leaning towards social sciences.

3 months ago

Marquette University offers robust programming across a diverse range of disciplines, with particularly strong programs in fields like Nursing, Biomedical Sciences, Business, and Communication. In their Klingler College of Arts and Sciences, which houses the bulk of their traditional social sciences disciplines, you'll find a robust selection of majors. Some of their offerings in the social sciences realm include:

- Anthropology

- Criminology and Law Studies

- Economics

- Political Science

- Psychology

- Sociology

- Social Welfare and Justice

Each of these programs allows students with interests in the social sciences to engage deeply with their chosen field, conduct research, and apply their learning in practical settings.

Marquette also encourages interdisciplinary study, so you might find yourself taking courses in other departments as well that can complement your social sciences interests. Remember, the above list is just a selection, and I would highly recommend visiting the Marquette University's website for a comprehensive list and to see how each program aligns with your individual interests and career goals.

3 months ago

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