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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Advice on Marquette Mi University

Hey folks, anyone here currently studying at Marquette Mi University or are alumni? I'm a bit unsure about the offerings and opportunities there, especially in terms of research programs and community life. Could anyone shed some light on this?

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to give some general insights about Marquette University's offerings.

Firstly, in terms of research programs, Marquette has a robust Office of Research and Innovation that promotes the development and advancement of research, scholarship, and innovation across multiple disciplines. They operate several research centers, such as the BioDiscovery Imaging Core and the Innovation Alley, which offer a wide array of research opportunities for students. While the specifics can depend on your major, the interdisciplinary approach to research ensures that many students can find something that aligns with their interests.

As per community life, Marquette is known for placing a strong emphasis on its sense of community. The Marquette Neighborhood Association frequently organizes recreational activities that interact with the local community. Plus, there are over 240 student organizations on campus, which range from academic clubs, cultural and diversity programs, service organizations, and more.

However, like any school, the opportunities available to you will greatly depend on your major and interests. Make sure to communicate with the admissions office or current students in your prospective major to get the most accurate information.

3 months ago

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