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What's Campus Life Like at Maryville University?

Hello, I'm a junior in high school and I'm thinking about applying to Maryville University. Can anyone tell me more about what life is like on campus? I'm interested in the student culture, activities, facilities, etc. Anything will be helpful!

3 months ago

Sure, happy to share some insights!

Maryville University, located in St. Louis, Missouri, is a private institution with a suburban setting that gives students a balance between calm study environments and exciting city life. Maryville University is home to around 3,422 undergraduate students, which helps to create a more tight-knit community, where students can form close relationships with both their peers and faculty members.

The university has various amenities built to support student life. The campus hosts several facilities, such as the Walker Hall which is a hotspot for student activities, Donius University Center which has a number of places for students to sit, chat, and study, and Saints Hall, a state-of-the-art residence hall with suite-style accommodations for students.

In terms of student culture, Maryville is known for its friendly and welcoming environment. The university places a strong emphasis on student engagement and offers over 100 student organizations, providing plenty of opportunities for students to get involved. There are clubs for hobbies, academic interests, social action, international students, and more.

Sports are also a big part of life at Maryville. The University is a part of the NCAA Division II, Great Lakes Valley Conference. A wide range of sports are played at both men's and women's level, including basketball, soccer, softball, golf, wrestling, and more, with the teams known as the Saints.

As for your academic experience, Maryville has a low student-to-faculty ratio of 14:1. This facilitates more individualized instruction and personal attention from professors.

Lastly, one outstanding feature is Maryville's commitment to technology integration. The university has a digital world program that delivers an iPad to every incoming undergraduate student, loaded with custom apps to hook you into campus life.

Remember, where you go to college is an interpretive decision, and I would recommend visiting the campus if you can. A campus visit will help you get a personal feel of what it's like to be a student at Maryville University. You can schedule tours and even overnight stays to get a real sense of the campus.

3 months ago

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