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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Experience at MCC Crystal Lake, IL

Hey there, I'm looking at MCC in Crystal Lake, IL as a potential option for starting my post-high school education. Any students or alumni who have experience there? How are the professors and resources like? Would love to hear some of your thoughts!

3 months ago

I can certainly provide some insights based on data about the institution. MCC seems to have a student-centered approach to education, offering a wide range of resources to students.

Notably, it offers comprehensive Student Success Centers, which includes writing and math centers, and where students can seek assistance on coursework or work with tutors to improve their academic skills. There's also a very supportive Career Services team, which can assist you with career exploration, job-seeking strategies, and other similar needs. Keep in mind, though, that the quality of these resources may vary depending on your own needs and the specific goals you hope to achieve.

With respect to professors, satisfaction can be quite individual and subjective. From some of the general reviews available, it looks like there are many who regard the faculty as knowledgeable and passionate about their subjects. Given the relatively small class sizes, students often find that their professors are approachable and offer personalized attention.

One aspect to consider though is that MCC, like most community colleges, focuses primarily on associate degree programs and transfer options to four-year colleges. So, if your goal aligns with this, then MCC could be a good fit for you.

As always, it's a good idea to visit the campus yourself (if possible), talk to the admissions office, and even try to connect with current students or alumni to gain a more first-hand and personalized insight. Don't hesitate to ask more official resources like the admissions office or student affairs office any questions you have. It'll help you make a well-informed decision.

3 months ago

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