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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Admission Questions for Metro State University in Denver

Yo, guys! I'm thinking about applying to Metro State University in Denver. Has anyone gone through the process and can give me the lowdown? What kind of GPA do they typically look for and what are their requirements? Cheers!

3 months ago

Hey there! Absolutely, I can help you understand the admissions process at Metro State University in Denver.

To start off with the GPA, Metro State University in Denver typically admits students who have a GPA of around 3.0 or higher. However, there's not an absolute cutoff, and they assess each application holistically, which means they evaluate your high school course load, leadership and community service as well as your academic achievement.

As for admissions requirements, you're expected to complete a total of 15 specific high school courses:

- 4 years of English

- 4 years of Mathematics (Algebra level and above)

- 3 years of Natural Sciences (2 with lab)

- 3 years of Social Sciences (at least one year of US or world history)

- 2 years of academic electives (foreign language is highly recommended).

In some cases, GED holders without these courses may still be considered for admission. You'll also need to submit ACT or SAT scores, although Metro State University in Denver is test-optional for fall 2024 and beyond, so you can decide whether or not to include them based on whether you think they'll strengthen your application.

One thing that's unique about Metro State University is its open admissions policy, which means they admit any applicant with a high school diploma or GED, irrespective of their academic record. However, some programs may have additional requirements.

Remember to complete your application forms accurately and submit any additional documents they request such as transcripts. I hope this was helpful, and best of luck with your application!

3 months ago

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