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SAT: 720 math
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Applying to Miami University of Oxford

Hi, folks! I've become quite intrigued by Miami University of Oxford and was wondering if anyone here could offer insights on their admissions process? Do they heavily consider extracurriculars? Grade trends? Any guidance is deeply appreciated.

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to provide a bit of perspective on Miami University of Oxford's admissions process. Each university has its own unique considerations and weightings in the admissions process, but there are a few general aspects you should pay attention to for Miami University.

First up, academics: As with almost all colleges, your academic performance in high school is a key part of your application. Miami University primarily focuses on your high school GPA, course rigor (AP/IB, Honors classes), and grade trends. A rising grade trend, showing improvement throughout high school, can indeed be beneficial. That's not to say that a few B's or a downward trend would be an automatic rejection. However, the more competitive your grades and course load, the better.

Down to extracurriculars: Miami University does take a look at your extracurricular activities. Quality outweighs quantity. They're looking for commitment, passion, and leadership in a few key areas over random participation in numerous activities. To exemplify, it's better to demonstrate exceptional skill or leadership in two extracurriculars (Tier 1-3) than just being a member of five clubs (Tier 4).

Some other factors to keep in mind are your essays, recommendation letters, and any additional information you provide in your application. Excellent essays and recommendation letters can make your application more compelling by providing a personal lens into your experiences, motivations, and character.

Keep in mind that this is a holistic process, and each application is considered in its entirety. It's important to balance your efforts across all these factors to put forth the strongest application possible.

Hope this helps and best of luck with your application!

3 months ago

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