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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What to expect at Michigan State University in Lansing?

Hello, I'm a high school junior considering possibilities for my next big step. I've been reading about Michigan State University in Lansing and am curious about the kind of environment it provides. Does anyone know about the campus culture, academic strengths, and overall student community?

3 months ago

Absolutely, I'd be happy to provide insights into Michigan State University (MSU).

Starting with academic strengths, MSU has a range of strong programs. MSU is known for its programs in Education, Communications, and Chemical Engineering. Their Nuclear Physics program, in particular, stands out and is consistently ranked very high. Overall, MSU offers more than 200 programs of study—so there's definitely a variety of options to explore!

In terms of campus culture, MSU is a Big Ten school and, therefore, has a strong sports culture. So if you enjoy rallying around a sports team and taking part in the collective school spirit, you might find that aspect of MSU's campus culture exciting. There's also an instilled culture of service and community involvement, with many students participating in community service activities and projects.

Now, the student body is diverse with students from all 50 states and more than 130 countries, which certainly adds a global perspective to the campus life. If you're interested in extracurricular activities, there's a wealth of student organizations (more than 900) spanning across interests such as academics, cultural clubs, sports, and more.

The university is also known for its active Greek life, with dozens of fraternities and sororities on campus. However, participation in Greek life is by no means necessary to have a rich social life at MSU.

Lastly, located in East Lansing, the university offers a blend of urban and suburban environments. Downtown East Lansing, with its array of restaurants, shops, and events, is within walking distance and is a popular spot for students.

So, to sum up, at MSU you'd be looking at a vibrant, diverse community with a strong sports culture, a range of strong academic programs, and a multitude of opportunities to engage both inside and outside of the classroom.

3 months ago

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