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Polk State College Acceptance Rate

I'm a Floridian seriously considering Polk State College. I know it's more open-access being a state college, but I'm curious about their acceptance rate. Has anyone had experience applying?

3 months ago

Polk State College is an open-access institution, meaning it generally does not have selective admissions criteria. As a community college, its mission is to cater to all students who have graduated high school or possess a GED. So, there isn't really an acceptance rate in the traditional sense, as they typically accept anyone who applies and meets this minimum qualification.

When you apply, you'll mostly need high school or GED transcripts, and you may need placement testing to determine the appropriate courses for your skill level. The overall application process is quite straightforward in contrast to selective universities.

However, certain programs within the college, like nursing or other competitive health profession programs, may have more stringent admission criteria due to limited spaces. If you're interested in any of those, you might want to research those specific program admission requirements separately.

3 months ago

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