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SAT: 720 math
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Which colleges in New Jersey have good national recognition?

I'm a high school junior living in New Jersey and thinking about staying in-state for college. Could someone list out some well-known or popular colleges in New Jersey that have solid academic reputations?

3 months ago

There are several colleges in New Jersey that are nationally recognized for their academic programs and diverse student bodies. Here are a few worth considering:

1. Princeton University: It's a member of the Ivy League consistently ranked among the top universities globally. It has strong programs in humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering.

2. Rutgers University–New Brunswick: It is the flagship campus of the Rutgers system and is particularly respected for its programs in English, history, and business.

3. Stevens Institute of Technology: Located in Hoboken, it's known for its programs in engineering, computer science, and business.

4. The College of New Jersey (TCNJ): Situated in Ewing, TCNJ has strong programs in business, education, and the sciences.

5. Rutgers University–Newark: The Newark campus of Rutgers is particularly noted for its diversity and its strong programs in criminal justice and business.

6. Rowan University: Located in Glassboro, Rowan offers a well-regarded engineering program and a recognized school of business.

These schools have different strengths and campus cultures, so it would be important to consider what kind of environment and academic opportunities align best with your goals and interests.

3 months ago

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