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Exploring Public Colleges in DC

I'm looking at colleges in D.C. for next fall. For a public policy major, what are some public colleges in D.C. I should consider it, given that it's such a politically active area.

3 months ago

While D.C. isn't known for having many public universities, The University of the District of Columbia (UDC) is one option you might want to consider. UDC is a public, historically Black land-grant university, and is the only public university in the city. It offers a wide range of undergraduate majors and has a community college component too. However, you may also want to consider some of the private universities in D.C. given their strong policy programs and proximity to the capital’s political activities.

For a public policy major, Georgetown University has the McCourt School of Public Policy which is a top-notch program offering a Bachelor of Arts in Government, a minor in Justice and Peace Studies, and a certificate in International Relations. Another private university to consider would be George Washington University, home to the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration. They offer a Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy, with opportunities to focus on specific policy areas, service, and problem-solving. Both universities have excellent connections in D.C., potentially leading to internships and employment opportunities.

In terms of public universities near D.C., George Mason University, located in Fairfax, Virginia, is a public research university that has a well-regarded Schar School of Policy and Government.

These options, while most are not public universities within the D.C. city limits, still provide excellent offerings for a public policy major with access to the unique learning laboratory that is Washington D.C.

3 months ago

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