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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Rapid City School of Mines

The Rapid City School of Mines sounds interesting, especially since I'm considering a degree in engineering. Anyone know how it stands up to other engineering-focused schools?

3 months ago

The South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, often referred to as School of Mines, is indeed a good choice for students interested in engineering. Its programs are well-rated, and the school tends to place students in competitive jobs upon graduation, often with above-average starting salaries, compared to engineering graduates from other schools. The university specializes in applied sciences and technical fields, allowing its students to gain extensive hands-on experience in their chosen fields.

Compared to other engineering-focused schools, such as MIT, Stanford, or Caltech, School of Mines might seem less prestigious, but keep in mind that the difference often has more to do with name recognition than with the quality of the programs themselves. The education you'll receive at the School of Mines is solid, and the lower tuition (compared to many private universities) can be a significant advantage.

More specifically, the Minerals, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, and Environmental Engineering programs stand out as being strong programs at SD Mines. The school’s relatively small size also means that you'll have smaller class sizes and potentially more opportunities for one-on-one interaction with faculty, which can enrich your learning experience.

Remember to visit the school's website or connect with an admissions officer to get a more detailed overview of what they offer.good

3 months ago

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