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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for Insights on SCAD University

The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) is on my list of potential schools. I'm interested in hearing about other's experiences there, especially related to the program's reputation and overall student satisfaction.

3 months ago

Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) is widely recognized for its robust and diverse art and design programs, drawing students from across the globe. Many admire SCAD for its strong emphasis on creativity and hands-on experience as well as its access to cutting-edge technology and industry-standard tools.

In terms of program reputation, SCAD is known for its highly regarded programs in animation and fashion. The illustration and graphic design programs also have a solid reputation. The success of SCAD alumni, who have gone to work at leading creative companies, has been a testament to the strength of these programs. Keep in mind though, the school's rigor can vary from program to program, so it's crucial to research the specific program you're interested in.

Student satisfaction at SCAD is generally high, especially among those with a clear artistic focus and career direction. Students often praise the school's environment, which fosters creativity, and the high level of attention and support they receive from faculty. That being said, some students have noted that the workload can be quite intensive, so be prepared for that aspect of your academic life at SCAD.

One unique aspect of SCAD is its location in Savannah, Georgia. Historic, picturesque, and brimming with southern charm, many students find the city an added bonus to their time at SCAD. The local community is very supportive of the arts, and the college plays a significant role in the city’s cultural life.

Remember applications decisions should be based on more than anecdotal experiences. So along with considering these experiences, ensure you consider aspects like financial aid, housing, location, career services, and post-graduation outcomes. It's always advised to visit the campus, if possible, to get a feel for the atmosphere and meet potential faculty and students.

3 months ago

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