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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the SCC West Burlington, IA Campus Like?

I'm considering Southeastern Community College's West Burlington, IA campus. Could someone share their experience? I'm interested in the overall campus life, study environment, and student support services.

3 months ago

Southeastern Community College's West Burlington, IA campus provides a small and engaging learning environment. The small campus population supports close-knit relationships between students and faculty, often leading to personalized classroom experiences.

The campus itself is quite scenic and well-maintained. The buildings and facilities are modern and accessible. There are several outdoor spaces as well, where students can study or relax when the weather is nice.

As for student support services, SCC's West Burlington campus has robust offerings. The Academic Achievement Center provides free tutoring services in a variety of subjects and offers workshops on study skills and time management. There's also a dedicated Career Services office that assists students with job placements, internships, and building effective resumes.

Their counseling services address more than just academic issues; they also offer personal and crisis counseling for students.

The Accessibility Services office is also quite supportive in providing accommodations to students with disabilities. It reviews documentation, determines eligibility, and develops plans to provide accommodations where necessary.

In terms of student life, there are several clubs and organizations for students to join. It's pretty easy to get involved socially. The athletics department regularly organizes games and intramurals, attracting a solid student turnout.

The campus also holds different events throughout the year like career fairs, cultural celebrations, and speaker series.

Remember, these aspects can vary from student to student. It's always a good idea to visit the campus (if possible), speak to current students, or connect with the admissions office for a better understanding of what you can expect.

3 months ago

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