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When Should Seniors Start Applying for Scholarships?

As a senior, I'm pretty stressed about college finances. How soon should I start applying for scholarships and what are some tips to manage these applications?

3 months ago

Starting your scholarship search and application process as soon as possible in your senior year of high school is definitely a good idea. Some scholarships may have deadlines as early as the beginning of the school year, while others may be later in the spring. Make sure you're continuously looking for new opportunities throughout the year as new scholarships can become available at any time.

Here are some tips to manage your scholarship applications:

1. Treat it Like a Job: Keep in mind that scholarships are essentially "free money" you're earning for college. Plan certain times in your week dedicated to scholarship applications, as you would plan time for homework or extracurricular activities.

2. Organize: Keep a sheet or a dedicated notebook with all the necessary details for each scholarship: the scholarship name, the amount, requirements (like GPA, essays, letters of recommendation, etc.), and very importantly, the deadline. This will help you to prioritize your applications.

3. Reuse and Recycle: Every scholarship you encounter will likely require some form of an essay or personal statement. If you're smart about it, you can repurpose that content onto other applications, just be sure to tailor it to each specific scholarship.

4. Be Strategic: Apply for scholarships where you have the best chances. Some scholarships, like the ones offered on a national level, will have heavy competition. Don't overlook smaller, local scholarships - these usually have less competition, giving you a better chance of winning.

5. Don't get discouraged: Remember that applying for scholarships is a numbers game. You won't win every one you apply for, but don't let that discourage you. Persist in your efforts and hit as many deadlines as possible with high-quality applications.

Remember to also look into whether the colleges you're applying to offer merit-based scholarships, as those can also be a great way to help offset the cost of tuition. Some of these are automatic with your admission application, but others may require separate applications, so be sure to check each school's website for information. Lastly, don't forget about financial aid through the FAFSA. You can start completing the FAFSA as early as October 1st of your senior year.

3 months ago

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