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Scholarship Options for High School Juniors

I'm a high school junior and I want to get a head start on scholarships. Do you know of any scholarships specifically aimed at juniors? If so, what are your tips for applying?

3 months ago

Sure, high school juniors definitely have scholarship opportunities available to them. Actually, getting a head start on scholarships is an excellent idea. It allows you to spread out the applications over a longer time period, lessening the stress during application season.

Some scholarships for high school juniors include The Coolidge Scholarship, The American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation, The American Legion Boys Nation, and Doodle for Google.

The Coolidge Scholarship is a full-ride scholarship that covers a student's tuition, room, board, and expenses for four years of undergraduate study. It’s quite competitive and requires students to have a strong academic record.

American Legion runs two separate week-long educational programs known as Auxiliary Girls Nation and Boys Nation. They’re wonderful opportunities for students interested in civic leadership.

Doodle for Google is a competition where students create their own Google doodle. Winners can earn scholarships up to $30,000.

When it comes to applying, here are a few tips:

1. Start Early: Don't wait till the last minute to start. Start working on your application well in advance and give yourself enough time to think through your responses.

2. Be Genuine: Authenticity tends to shine through. Be honest about your achievements, experiences, and goals when writing your application.

3. Tailor Your Application: Each scholarship has its own unique requirements and goals it wants to accomplish. Make sure your application speaks to these unique elements as much as possible.

4. Pay Attention to Details: Double-check your application for errors before submitting and make sure you've addressed all the required points.

5. Ask for Help: Whether it's a counselor, teacher, or family member – don't hesitate to ask for a second or third set of eyes on your application.

Remember, even if you're not successful, don't get discouraged. The process of applying for scholarships can be valuable experience for college applications. Keep applying and don't get disheartened. Every application is an opportunity to refine your skills for the next one!

3 months ago

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