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Scholarship Opportunities for High School Sophomores?

I'm currently a sophomore and want to start planning for college as early as possible. Could you point me to some scholarships available for someone in my grade level?

3 months ago

Absolutely, there are several scholarships available specifically for high school sophomores. Here are a few that you might consider:

1. The American Legion National High School Oratorical Contest: This contest awards a scholarship of up to $18,000 if you're skilled in public speaking about constitutional topics. The deadlines and contest dates depend on your local American Legion post, so it's good to get in touch with them early.

2. Scholastic Art & Writing Awards: If you're artistically or literarily inclined, consider entering this award. There are several categories to choose from, like digital art, poetry, or science fiction. Deadlines can be as early as December, but it depends on your region, so check their website for specifics.

3. The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards: This scholarship is for students who have made a difference through volunteering. It awards $1,000 and an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C., available for top honorees. The application usually opens in September and closes in November.

4. American Mathematics Competitions (AMC): For those gifted in math, this is a series of math competitions that begin in the high school sophomore year with AMC 10/12. Although not a scholarship per se, doing well can lead to opportunities like the USA Mathematical Olympiad, which can be a major asset on college applications.

5. Letters About Literature: For those with a passion for reading and writing, this scholarship invites students to write to the author (living or deceased) of a book, poem or speech that has impacted their lives. State winners receive a cash prize and national winners can win up to $2000.

6. Doodle for Google: If you enjoy drawing, you can submit a doodle for the chance to have it featured on the Google homepage. A winner is chosen from each age group, with prizes including a $30,000 university scholarship.

Remember, while it's fantastic that you're thinking about scholarships now, don't forget to also focus on academics and your involvement in extracurricular activities. As a high school sophomore, you're building the foundation of your college application, and these elements are very important.

Finally, keep in mind that larger scholarships will become available later in your high school career, so continue to keep an eye out as you progress through high school!

3 months ago

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