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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Scholarships for High School Juniors

I'm a junior in high school trying to get a head start on finding scholarships. Do you guys know of any scholarships specifically for high school juniors?

3 months ago

Absolutely, there are indeed a number of scholarships that high school juniors can apply for:

1. The PSAT/NMSQT: When you take the PSAT/NMSQT in your junior year, you're automatically screened for the National Merit Scholarship Program. Being recognized as a National Merit Scholar is a prestigious achievement, and it can lead to scholarships from colleges, corporations, and other organizations.

2. The Coolidge Scholarship: This is a full-ride scholarship that covers a student's tuition, room, board, and expenses for four years of undergraduate study. The scholarship can be used at any accredited U.S. college or university. High school juniors who plan to enroll in college in the fall after graduating from high school are eligible to apply.

3. The Cameron Impact Scholarship: This scholarship offers full-tuition coverage for a four-year undergraduate course of study at any U.S. institution. It's awarded annually to 10-15 high school students covering tuition, fees, course-related expenses, books, and room and board.

4. Voice of Democracy Audio Essay Contest: This national audio-essay scholarship competition is offered by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Students in grades 9-12 can enter to win a share of $2.1 million in educational scholarships.

5. The Doodle for Google Contest: This artistic competition could lead to a $30,000 scholarship (and a $50,000 tech grant for your school!). The annual contest comes with a prompt and students are tasked with creating their own Google logo artwork in response to it.

Make sure to start your search and application process early as there's often high competition for these scholarships. Good luck in your scholarship search!

3 months ago

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