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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Scranton Yeshiva Experiences?

Hey folks, I'm thinking of studying at the Scranton Yeshiva and was curious if anyone here has any experience with it? How would you rate your time at the institution, the education quality, and student life?

3 months ago

Scranton Yeshiva's reputation is largely positive, especially if you're seeking a robust Talmudic studies environment. The institution prides itself on helping students gain strong skills in Talmudic Law and Jewish philosophy.

In regards to academic quality, students typically appreciate the rigorous study schedule and emphasis on deep, analytical thinking. The Yeshiva has faculty who are accomplished scholars, and they provide a rich and thorough education in Talmudic study, which is the primary focus. They ask tough questions and expect students to delve into the texts with a critical mindset.

Student life at Scranton Yeshiva is different compared to traditional colleges given its nature as a Yeshiva, where religious studies take precedence. The social life is more focused around study groups, religious practice, and meaningful interpersonal relationships. There's a strong sense of camaraderie amongst students, and they often forge deep connections through their shared experiences in class, study-groups, and religious activities.

However, remember that these experiences can differ for every individual. It's crucial that you consider your personal preferences, study habits, and what you want to gain from your Yeshiva experience when making your decision. Connect directly with current students or alumni if you can, as their insights may be helpful as well.

3 months ago

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