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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How's Life on SDSU Campus?

Hello everyone. I recently got into South Dakota State University and I want to get a feel of what campus life is like. Can anyone here (preferably current students or alumni) give me an idea of the social scene, dorm life, and overall atmosphere?

3 months ago

South Dakota State University (SDSU) offers a vibrant campus life, with a variety of social activities and clubs that you can participate in, including academic clubs, sports teams, and cultural organizations. With over 250 clubs and organizations, you're bound to find something that fits your interests and enhances your college experience. The student body is quite active; it's not uncommon to see students engaged in intramural sports, studying together in group sessions, or attending various campus events.

In terms of dorm life, the university offers several different types of residential options, including traditional dorms and apartment-style living. Generally, the dorms are said to be well-maintained and offer a strong sense of community. Many students utilize the common areas for socializing and studying, which can contribute to a lively and collaborative atmosphere.

As for the overall campus atmosphere, SDSU is known to have a friendly and welcoming community. It's a fairly large university, but the community is tight-knit and you'll often run into familiar faces. Many students appreciate the balance between the opportunities offered by a larger university and the personalized, communal atmosphere.

Of course, everyone's experiences are unique and your experience may vary, but overall, students often report enjoying their time at SDSU. It's a good idea to visit the campus if you can, or at least take a virtual tour, to get a more firsthand sense of what campus life might be like for you.

3 months ago

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