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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Detail on Southwestern Oregon Community College?

I'm considering attending Southwestern Oregon Community College in Coos Bay after high school. Does anyone have any insight into their programs, campus life, or anything else worth mentioning?

3 months ago

Southwestern Oregon Community College (SOCC) in Coos Bay is a comprehensive community college known for its rich selection of degree and certificate programs. They offer degrees in a variety of fields, from Arts to Sciences, Business Technology to Health & Sciences, making it a good choice if you're still exploring your academic interests. Many students opt for their Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS), or Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree programs. SOCC also provides options for vocational certificates if you're seeking job-ready skills.

Given its location near the beautiful Oregon coast, the campus offers diverse outdoor recreational activities, which forms a part of the vibrant campus life at SOCC. Outdoor activities are common with the Community College being a stone's throw away from numerous parks and beaches, which provide a great location for studying, relaxing, and socializing.

As per academic support, the college is well-equipped with supportive resources. The Tutoring and Learning Center offers help in various subjects. The use of technology is also encouraged with computer facilities available to students.

However, it's important to note that like many community colleges, the on-campus residential presence might not be as extensive as in a traditional four-year institution. A majority of the students may be local or out-of-state commuters.

To get a feel for the academic and social environment at SOCC, it may be helpful to schedule a visit if circumstances permit. This can provide an interesting perspective on student life and give you a chance to interact with faculty and current students.

Remember, your college experience will largely be shaped by the effort you put into it. From academic involvement to participation in club activities and campus events, the more you put into your time at SOCC, the more rewarding your experience will be.

3 months ago

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