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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do ppl tend to enjoy Southern University of Houston?

Hey, is there anyone on here who's familiar with Southern University of Houston? Specifically, did you enjoy your time there, and what did you like/dislike? I'm weighing my options and any input would be helpful. Thank you in advance.

3 months ago

I've spoken with several students who've attended Southern University of Houston and they tend to share a similar sentiment. One of their favorite aspects of the university is its diverse student body. They appreciate the multitude of backgrounds, interests, and cultures that everyone brings to the table. This diversity is also reflected in the range of student clubs and organizations available for participation.

Academically, the university has a respectable reputation, particularly in their business and engineering programs, where students have reported rigorous and comprehensive curriculum. The faculty are generally described as knowledgeable and dedicated to student success.

However, it should be noted that some students have mentioned that the university's administration can sometimes be disorganized. For instance, there have been reports of issues with scheduling and advising, which can be challenging for students trying to meet specific academic goals or deadlines.

Keep in mind, every experience at every university is going to vary greatly depending on what a student is looking for and the circumstances they find themselves in. Therefore, it's a good idea to explore as much as you can about the university (like you're currently doing), possibly visit the campus if you can, and reach out to current students or alumni to get an even more in-depth perspective.

Remember, what's most important is that the college aligns with your academic, social, and financial needs. Good luck with your decision-making process!

3 months ago

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