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Pros and Cons of Southern Utah University?

Hey guys, I was hoping to get some more insight on Southern Utah University. It has come under my radar recently, and I'm considering applying. Can anyone, especially those who attend or graduated from SUU, share their experiences? I'm curious about academic rigor, campus life, opportunities, etc.

3 months ago

Southern Utah University (SUU), known for its experiential, project-based approach to learning, offers a vast range of academic fields and extracurricular activities. But as with any university, it comes with its own set of pros and cons. Please note that individual experiences may vary, and it's always best to visit a college or talk to current students if possible to gather a fuller picture.


1. Small Class Sizes: SUU is known for its small class sizes, with a student-faculty ratio of around 22:1. This can translate to more personalized instruction and better relationships with professors.

2. Outdoor Activities: SUU is located in Cedar City, Utah, which is near several national parks. If you're a fan of the outdoors, it provides opportunities for hiking, camping, skiing, and more.

3. Experiential Learning: SUU emphasizes hands-on, experiential learning, across numerous disciplines. This means you get to apply your classroom knowledge in real-world settings, a considerable advantage when transitioning into a professional setting.


1. Location: The location could be a con depending on your perspective. Cedar City is a small, quiet place. If you prefer a bustling urban environment, this might not be the best fit for you.

2. Limited Diversity: Given its location, the student body at SUU might not be as diverse as one would expect in larger state or private universities.

3. Lack of Certain Specialty Programs: While SUU offers a vast range of academic fields, certain highly specialized majors or courses of study might not be available.

In terms of academic rigor, it can fluctuate depending on the department and course. Some students report a mild to moderate level of academic challenge, but this can be subjective. For a more personalized insight, it might be worth reaching out to students within your prospective major.

As for campus life, there are plenty of student clubs and organizations to join, and students seem to be very involved in campus events. Keep in mind, however, that as SUU is in a rural location, much of the social life might revolve around outdoor activities and on-campus events.

Remember, a university experience largely depends on what you make of it. Exploring your interests, taking initiative, and making connections can turn any environment into a nourishing one. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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