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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Colleges for Students with Special Needs

I'm a rising junior looking for colleges that have strong programs/support for students with special needs. I have a learning disability and would need accommodations to succeed academically. Can anyone recommend colleges known for their good support systems?

3 months ago

There are several colleges that not only accommodate students with special needs, but they actively work to provide a supportive and inclusive environment that aids academic growth.

1. University of Arizona: The university runs the Strategic Alternative Learning Techniques (SALT) Center, which provides individualized educational planning, educational technology, and tutoring services for students with learning and attention-challenged (LAC) students.

2. University of Connecticut: This institution provides the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD), offering specific accommodations and support to enhance academic performance, such as note-taking assistance and assistive technology.

3. Landmark College in Vermont: This institution exclusively serves students who learn differently, including those with learning disabilities, ADHD, and ASD. Their curriculum and support services are specifically designed for these students.

4. Beacon College in Florida: Beacon exclusively serves students with learning disabilities, ADHD, dyslexia, and other learning differences. They provide a range of personalized instructional methods.

5. University of Denver: This university has the Learning Effectiveness Program (LEP), a fee-for-service program providing academic support specifically for differently abled learners.

Remember, it's essential to reach out to these schools directly and learn more about what each program offers. That way you can ask about any specific accommodations you require and see if they're able to meet your needs. There are many colleges who work to provide a positive environment, so keep researching to find the best fit for you.

3 months ago

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