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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on Spelman College in Atlanta?

I've heard some good things about Spelman College in Atlanta and I'm thinking about applying. Could anyone familiar with the school, perhaps an alum or current student, provide some feedback? I'm curious about the academic environment, diversity, and overall student experience.

3 months ago

Spelman College, which is famously part of the Atlanta University Center Consortium, is quite notable for its emphasis on empowering women of African descent. The school hosts a rigorous academic environment with diverse offerings in the liberal arts and sciences disciplines. Since it's a historically black college and university (HBCU), you'll find a unique cultural experience and an uplifting environment promoting Black excellence.

Diversity-wise, since Spelman predominantly serves African-American women, it offers an environment that fosters unity and cultural understanding. There are student organizations, Greek life, and many other campus activities that allow students to embrace their racial and gender identities, while also exploring their academic and personal interests.

The overall student experience at Spelman is often perceived as nurturing, supportive, and empowering. Students have access to a multitude of resources and opportunities, including internships, study abroad experiences, and leadership development programs. Additionally, Spelman is located in the vibrant city of Atlanta which provides opportunities for fun city explorations and internships in well-regarded companies.

However, while Spelman is renowned for its positive characteristics, it's important to consider if you're comfortable in a women-only college environment, as this is a key aspect of Spelman's identity. Some students thrive in single-sex colleges, while others might find they prefer a co-ed environment.

Remember that visiting (if you can), speaking with current students or alums, and doing thorough research will help provide a more personalized perspective and see if the college's environment meets your needs and expectations.

3 months ago

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