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Life at St Edward's University in Austin?

Been considering St Edward's University in Austin for my college applications, but wanted to get some firsthand perspectives. Can anyone share about life on campus? Pros, cons, tips, advice, anything at all would be appreciated!

3 months ago

St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas is a smaller private university, with a close-knit community and smaller class sizes, which many students find beneficial for their learning and overall college experience.

Academically, the smaller class sizes allow for more personalized attention from professors, something that is often a big selling point for St. Edward's University. Professors face more one-on-one time with students, which helps in journey of academic exploration and learning.

In terms of the campus, it's located on a hilltop overlooking the city of Austin, making for absolutely stunning views. The campus is not only scenic but also compact, which makes it easy for students to get around. There are plenty of green spaces where students can chill and study.

Austin is a vibrant city with a diverse culture and a bustling music and arts scene that you can explore. Students appreciate the perks of living in Austin, with the food, live music, festivals, and an all around energetic vibe. The city provides plenty of job and internship opportunities that can compliment your studies.

St. Edward's has a number of student clubs and organizations, so you're bound to find a group that aligns with your interests. From clubs on activism to clubs focused on hobbies, there seems to be something for everyone. In addition, St. Edward's University participates in NCAA Division II sports, which offers students the opportunity to either compete or support their peers at a variety of sporting events.

One downside you might consider is the cost of attendance, as St. Edward's is a private university and thus, tuition is more expensive compared to public schools. Additionally, as a smaller university, it may lack some of the resources or course offerings available at larger universities.

Finally, like at any college, your experience will largely be what you make of it. Get involved in clubs, seek out internships that align with your major, connect with your professors, explore Austin, and make the most out of what St. Edward's has to offer!

Always remember to check out the uni's net price calculator to estimate your financial aid. Consider applying and visiting the campus (either virtually or in person) to get a better feel for the atmosphere. Sometimes, you just have to experience it firsthand to know if it's the right fit for you. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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