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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
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St. Lawrence University - Majors Available

Hey everyone, I've begun researching colleges and St. Lawrence University just caught my attention. I'm curious about their major options. Are there certain programs that this university is known for or excels at? I'd be thankful to hear any feedback or experiences!

3 months ago

Absolutely, St. Lawrence University offers a wide range of undergraduate majors and programs. You'll find more than 60 programs spanning the arts, sciences, social sciences, and more.

One of the most notable programs at St. Lawrence University is the Government major. This major is known for offering solid groundwork in American and international politics, political theory, and public policy. They also have a robust Economics program that introduces students to the principles of micro and macroeconomics and allows them to delve deeper into areas such as economic development and international economics.

St. Lawrence is also known for its strong commitment to environmental studies and sustainability. The Environmental Studies program at St. Lawrence emphasizes a multi-disciplinary approach to environmental issues and gives students the opportunity to work on notable research projects.

Furthermore, the school has a notable English major that's been praised for its emphasis on literature and creative writing. Students have the opportunity to study a wide variety of literary genres and periods while also honing their own personal writing skills.

Additionally, St. Lawrence has a remarkable Performing Arts department, with strong programs in Music, Theater, and Performance and Communication Arts.

Finally, if you're pre-med or interested in health professions, you should also look into their Health Careers Program. They have a designated Health Careers committee that assists students with course selection, internships, and even the application process for medical or professional school.

Remember, when exploring the programs available at different universities, it's not just about what majors are available, but how well those programs support students through dedicated faculty, rich academic resources, and opportunities such as internships or research projects. As you continue your research, I recommend reaching out to the St. Lawrence admissions office or current students directly to get more specific information on the programs you're interested in. You may also consider exploring reviews or online student forums to get a glimpse of student experiences within these programs.

3 months ago

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