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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for Info on Majors at Stanislaus University

Hey there! I'm currently researching a bunch of potential colleges, and Stanislaus University has caught my eye. I'm having trouble finding comprehensive information about the majors they offer. Does anyone have a list or could point me to where I might find them? Thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Hey! It's great that Stanislaus University is one of the schools on your list. Here's a general overview of the major categories they offer:

1. Arts - This includes Art, Music, and Theatre Arts.

2. Business Administration - Various concentrations are available, such as Accounting, Finance, or Marketing.

3. Education - Includes majors for various age groups and subjects.

4. Humanities - Fields such as English, Philosophy, and Modern Languages fall here.

5. Social Sciences - Options like Sociology, Psychology, Geography, or Political Science are included.

6. STEM fields - From Computer Science to Biology, Chemistry, and Math.

Each of these broad categories contain multiple specialized options for actual majors. The university's website is likely to have the most comprehensive and accurate list. If you search for Stanislaus University's academic programs or majors on their website, you should be able to find an exhaustive list. That way, you can explore and research each major to see which ones align best with your interests.

Take your time in exploring the different disciplines and deciding which resonates with you. Keep in mind that picking a major isn't a lifetime commitment, and many students often change their major once they've had a chance to explore a few different classes in college. Good luck!

3 months ago

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