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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Stockton University, NJ - Campus Inquiry

Hey, quick question here. I'm interested in Stockton University located in NJ but haven't had a chance to visit yet. Could someone provide me with a snapshot of the campus? What to expect?

3 months ago

Certainly, Stockton University is located in Galloway, New Jersey, and provides a very natural and open campus environment. The campus is located on about 1,600 acres of beautiful Pinelands National Reserve. So, you can expect a lot of greenery and outdoor spaces!

The Housing consists of apartment-style units and dormitory-style residences, both on-campus and nearby, offering a decent level of independence and comfort for students. You'll find amenities like study spaces, kitchens, and recreation rooms to contribute to a comfortable living environment.

The academic buildings are fairly modern and equipped with advanced technological tools that enhance the learning experience. The library at Stockton University is known for its extensive collection and knowledgeable staff.

There's also a strong focus on athletics, with ample facilities for outdoor and indoor games. The university's Recreation Center is a standout, offering a wide range of facilities, including a pool, fitness center and climbing wall.

The Campus Center is the hub of student life, housing various offices, eateries, and lounges. You'll get to see a lot of student activity happening over here, with club events, meetings, and casual get-togethers.

Overall, the campus environment is quite lively and welcoming with a strong focus on sustainable practices. It combines a natural setting with modern facilities to offer students a conducive atmosphere for living and learning.

3 months ago

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