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SAT: 720 math
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Best universities in the Chicago area?

Hey, I'm considering studying in the Chicago area and wanted to know - what universities here would you guys recommend? Any inside scoop about what it's like to study there or live on campus would be appreciated too! Thanks.

3 months ago

Chicago boasts a range of highly esteemed universities known for their academic excellence and vibrant campus life. Here's an overview of some top-notch options:

University of Chicago: This globally acclaimed institution is renowned for rigorous academics, a core curriculum based in the liberal arts, and groundbreaking research. Many students find themselves challenged and rewarded in equal measure here. Campus life is intellectually stimulating, with students often engaged in vibrant discussions extending from classrooms to cafeterias.

Northwestern University: Located in Evanston, a suburb of Chicago, Northwestern is well-known for its prestigious schools, particularly in the areas of journalism and performing arts. The campus provides a classic college town feel combined with access to the city.

University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC): UIC is a public research university in the heart of the city, known for strong programs in areas such as business, engineering, and healthcare. The urban campus buzzes with cultural events, sports, and student activities, offering a fantastic blend of city life and campus experience.

DePaul University: DePaul is the largest Catholic university in the country, and it's recognized for its programs in business, computer science, music, and theater. It offers the advantage of two campuses—one in Lincoln Park and the other in the Loop—offering both a traditional campus feel and a downtown city experience.

Loyola University Chicago: Another esteemed Jesuit university, Loyola shines in pre-professional degrees like business and nursing. Its iconic lakefront campuses in Rogers Park and the Gold Coast bustle with activities, and students appreciate the community engendered by the strong Jesuit identity of the university.

Overall, studying in Chicago not only provides a rich academic environment, but also access to numerous cultural institutions, renowned landmarks, a vibrant culinary scene, and various intern and job opportunities being in a major city.

3 months ago

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