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SAT: 720 math
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Could anyone offer info on universities in Michigan?

Hey, I'm planning my college list right now and I've been considering some universities in Michigan. Anyone here currently attend or previously attended a college there? Can you share your experience briefly? Are there scholarships or financial aids you'd recommend I look into?

3 months ago

Certainly, I can share some knowledge regarding universities in Michigan. Two of the top institutions in the state are the University of Michigan (UMich) in Ann Arbor and Michigan State University (MSU) in East Lansing. Both universities have strong offerings across disciplines, with UMich being renowned for its Engineering, Business, and Political Science programs, and MSU known for its strong Education, Communications, and Business programs.

As for financial aid, both institutions offer need-based and merit-based scholarships. UMich's "Go Blue Guarantee," promises free tuition for in-state students from families making less than $65,000 a year. It also supports out-of-state students through funds like the "HAIL scholarship" which offer support based on both merit and financial need.

At MSU, the Alumni Distinguished Scholarship is a very prestigious merit scholarship, covering tuition, room and board, and including a $1,000 yearly stipend. MSU also offers need-based grants, such as the Spartan Advantage Program, which covers tuition and mandatory fees for in-state students from families making less than $50,000 a year.

In addition, smaller private schools such as Hope College, Albion College, and Kalamazoo College also can compete for your attention with substantial financial aid and intimate classroom settings if the larger universities aren't your speed.

Remember, each college's website typically has a net price calculator to help you estimate your costs, accounting for likely financial aid. Also, don't forget to submit your FAFSA to be considered for any need-based aid.

3 months ago

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