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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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The Boston-Area University Experience?

The idea of being a student in a city like Boston is really appealing to me. Can anyone share about what it's like to attend a university in the Boston area? How's the academic environment? Is commuting within the city manageable? Any vibes about the local music/art scene?

3 months ago

Responding as a current college student:

Boston is an amazing hub for students owing to the sheer number of universities within the city or in the neighboring areas. Academically, these institutes are top-notch, whether you're at BU, BC, or MIT. The fact that so many students are pursuing their education in various domains creates a vibrant and stimulating academic environment. You will often find yourselves in intellectual conversations at cafes around the city, and there's always a seminar or a conference happening somewhere that you can attend.

Commuting within Boston is fairly straightforward with the MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority), also known as the "T". The subway and bus service are reliable and the subway, in particular, is quite extensive covering a large part of the city. Many universities also have their own free shuttle services that operate on certain routes. A good tip is to get a student CharlieCard (the MBTA's payment card) which gives you discounted fares.

As for the music and art scene, Boston has it all. Berklee School of Music often has performances that are free or discounted for students, and there's a thriving local music scene with lots of live venues. For art, the Museum of Fine Arts and the Institute of Contemporary Art have student discounts and often host university nights. Plus, there's a variety of smaller galleries throughout the city, and a thriving street art scene in places like Allston and Central Square. All in all, Boston has a rich and dynamic cultural scene that any student would enjoy being part of.

3 months ago

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